Medad is an ordained minister, with a passion for worship, teaching, encouragement, evangelism & discipleship.
He lives in Brossard, and he was born in Montreal, one of 6 siblings, to two Haitian ministering parents- Pastors Gesner & Lamercie Ernest. Growing up in an environment which fostered a serving spirit, Medad felt the call early on to serve the Lord.
He serves the body at large as a consultant, helping to strengthen ministries.
On local level, he serves as a teaching elder at People’s Church of God & is presently overseeing a transition period after the passing of his father in November 2020. Alongside, with the mission of that church, he oversees Life Camps in Haiti, programs to build up children and youth in his parents’ homeland.
Medad founded a worship and outreach ministry called Reconciled Nation a few years ago. There are many components, notably song composition camps, organizing worship events, bible studies & discussions, and prison outreach. He has partnered and will continue to fellowship with all “who have clean hands and a holy heart”, and love God, so that we will see the kingdom of God on Earth.
Please pray for: the members of People’s Church of God , in Montreal, and in Haiti. The loss of pastor Ernest is still raw for many.
Also pray for increased clarity & sustained strength, as he navigates these times with the leadership.
Contact info:
Medad Ernest- 514-475-8119
Facebook: Medad Ernest
If you wish to donate: e-transfer [email protected] re: medad support
Or via website::
Via regular mail:
Peoples’s Church of God
1780 Paquette
Brossard, Qc
J4W 2Y6
Please include a memo: for the support of Medad
Picture above: At Camp de Vie in Haïti