Pierre LeBel

Having come to faith from a hippie background in 1973, Pierre was a member of the Burning Bush Coffee House community in St-Sauveur, QC, in 1974-1975. It is here that he met Alice and they were married in November 1975. They flew to The Netherlands the following spring to join the Dilaram Houses, a branch of Youth With A Mission, reaching out to hippies all along the “hippie trail” from Amsterdam to Kathmandu, Nepal, from Morocco to London, England. After pursuing further training In Lausanne, Switzerland, they were members of the pioneering team for YWAM France where they remained another 3 years before returning to Canada. After six years in a leadership role at the YWAM Quebec training base in Dunham, Pierre founded and directed YWAM Montreal from 1986-2019. He is a member of YWAM’S Canadian Eldership as well as its’ North American Cities Leadership Team. He directed and oversaw the bilingual 8-month URBAN CULTURES Discipleship Training School (UCDTS) from 2006 – 2017. His primary vocation is the interpretation of Christian faith and spirituality in the context of secular, urban and postchristian Quebec society and culture. He is the author of the book, “IMAGO DEI, devenir pleinement humain” (becoming fully human). In 2019, he obtained a MTh at Laval University. His thesis deals with the advances towards the inculturation of Christian faith as experienced by emergent churches in the postchristian society of Quebec. He also administrates a blog on Facebook called TranscendArts. He is a founding member of the Missio Dei Forum (2008-present) in Montreal as well as a member (recently) of the working group behind Témoins, a Paris-based association dedicated to an emerging Christian culture (temoins.com). He became a research Assistant at the IERTIMM* Theological Association at the beginning of 2022. His role includes mentoring younger leaders in and out of YWAM, public speaking and writing. He and Alice (retired in 2019) have three happily married children and, for now, five grandchildren.

*IERTIMM : Institut d’études et de recherches théologiques sur l’interculturalité, la migration et la mission

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