
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” – 2 Corinthians 9:15

The Bible tells us that it is God’s will that we “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thess 5:18). But not only that: when we give thanks, we follow Jesus’ example! Jesus is recorded giving thanks as many as fifteen times in the gospels! — and this is only a glimpse into his habit of gratitude. Researchers have recently discovered that an attitude of gratitude strongly correlates with personal happiness (here and here, as examples). Yes: it is healthy for us to be grateful to others, but there is an even deeper well-being available when our thanksgiving extends to the ultimate source of blessing — God Himself! In two weeks, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. So let’s use the comments section to share some of the things that we can be thankful to God for!


18 thoughts on “Thanksgiving!

  1. I am thankful for all the new friends I have made in our newly merged church, and for how both former congregations have pulled together for the Ride for Refuge, learning about and taking ownership of both fundraising projects. What a great church we have!

  2. Thank You Lord for my home church Bethel! Thank for for your faithful and untiring saints/servants/children !!!

  3. Thank you, Lord that I woke up today.
    Thank You, Lord that You are SOVEREIGN, the RULER of the coronavirus, just as You rule over the waves of the sea.
    Thank You for getting our attention, drawing us to You during these times, to reflect on what is truly important,
    what is important to You.
    Thank You that Your NAME is the STRONG TOWER, we can run to it and be safe.
    Thank You for telling us NOT TO BE AFRAID and that we can trust in Your word.
    Thank You for Your EVER-PRESENT HELP in trouble, which we have many times a day.
    Thank You that You are with us 24/7 through the HOLY SPIRIT, our personal bodyguard.
    Thank You for saving us, first of all!

  4. We are thankful for all those dear saints at Bethel who faithfully work together to bring us
    our Sunday Services on ZOOM.

  5. Thank you, God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for you brothers and sisters , because God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Amin.

  6. I am thankful for family, friends and our church family! We are SO blessed to be cared for by so many. I’m also thankful for Awana, that we can share God’s Word with the kids, many who don’t go to church.

  7. The best Brereton family (obviously Jason & Kim’s) are thankful for each one of you!! Bethel wouldn’t be the same without you guys!!!

  8. I’m thankful that our Lord is a loving and good God, and that no concern is too big or too small to bring before Him!

  9. I am thankful for technology, like Zoom, that enables us to keep connected with our church family and our out of town family especially at Thanksgiving! Grateful for you all!

  10. Thank You Lord, that You are still in control, even through the ‘second wave’ of the CV, (or third or fourth . . . etc).
    I don’t know why, but it just makes me think of Your mercy – You give us second chances (many chances, in fact) to repent, to soften our hearts, to forgive, to love the loveless, to reach out and show Your love to the lost.

    Thank You, Lord, that though the world seems ever so changing, not knowing what’s next with the pandemic,
    You never change. You are the same God who cares, who saves, who remains faithful, even when we are faithless.

    Thank You, Lord, for rearranged priorities, for showing us Your priorities.
    Thank You for helping me appreciate more the people I love.
    Thank You also for the joys You give – less traffic when I go to school in the morning, learning how to Zoom (I’m not a tech person), and more cuddle time with Samson, the love(able mastiff) of my life!z

  11. So thankful for my family,

    I’m so thankful that my family is made up of two wonderful parents who have given me the heritage that has led me to be a member of the Heavenly family and my church family.

    I have a husband who loves me and 3 beautiful children who also love me.

    My siblings and their families are in churches every Sunday.

    My mother and father have recently experienced a trauma – yet they’ve once again come forward and I am so thankful for the example they’ve set before me and so many others.

    Thank you Lord.

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